
Publications policy

The Centre de recherche du château de Versailles aims, through its publishing department, to promote and disseminate the work and results of its academic activities (research programmes, symposia, study days, seminars, etc.) to both the research community and the general public.

The Centre therefore produces various types of publications, in either hard copy or digital format:

>  publication of papers from symposia and study days;
>  critical editions of sources and documents from the 16th to the 19th centuries;
>  republications and translations of articles and reference books;
>  essays and historical studies;
>  e-journal (Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles).

The publications department prepares the editorial programme and whe necessary will arrange for an expert appraisal of the paper or digital publication projects. In instances of joint publications, projects may be evaluated by the co-publisher’s editorial committee.

Joint publications with public or private partners may lead to editorial projects at the instigation of the Research Centre. Two collections have been set up in this way:

  • The “Aulica” Collection, created in 2009 with Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, and continued, from 2013, with Presses Universitaires de Rennes;

The Centre might also, on occasions, support external publishing projects and publish works in collaboration with public or private establishments (teaching and research establishments, heritage establishments, learned societies, publishing houses, foundations, etc.) both French and foreign, when the projects fall within the framework of its missions and fields of study.

Moreover it is a statutory requirement that the Research Centre seeks finance and grants for publishing projects that could not otherwise go ahead without outside support.

To submit a publishing project:

Website produced with the support of:
Château de Versailles
Conseil général des Yvelines